Mega Man Fanon Wiki

Tales From The Gamer's Room is a fan sequel to the popular machinima Arby 'N' The Chief by Digital Ph33r, how it connects to megaman is that crosfusion megaman is the main hero, Tales From The Gamer's Room is made by the Megabound author after getting a youtube account called MrCrossoverer currently there is 2 episodes but a next one is underway.


Not too long after Chief hacked Jon's XBOX 360 and got it banned, A pair of daleks enter the house of a family and stealing the room of the owner(MrCrossoverer) and kicking 2 figures E-102 Gamma and Crosfusion Megaman(who is mostly called Lan) out. Out of despiration Lan sends a Email to the Chief to come and help and in return give him Super Recon(which doesnt exist) Chief answered the message by telephone, but Lan admits he lied about super recon in order to get chief's attention, but begs for chief to listen to him,chief does and deciedes to come to help. After the call Lan encounters the 2 daleks who introduce themselves as Dalek Sec(Black Dalek) and Dalek Cann(Bronze Dalek) and apologize for stealing their room,they only did it to find a new home for they where tricked by some theif who has been hacking into big bissnuesses's computers and robbing their money and the town that Lan and Gamma live in is his next target soon after a packge arrives containing Chief and a puppet named Jester, then the next day a robot named Breakaway arrives after following the thief to the town.


Crossfusion Megaman

E-102 Gamma

Master Chief

Dalek Sec 'n' Dalek Cann



Vince The Brooklyn Grunt

Patrick The Irish Hunter

Jetfire(AKA Gramps)

Current Atagonists

The Cyber Thief


Yin-Yarn The Soucerer




The Golden Hard Drive Saga-Number of episodes:6

New Cast:None

Villain:The Cyber Thief

The Kajiu Game Book Saga

Number of Episodes:TBA

New Cast:Daimugen The Living Palace, Mr.Ying, Phil The Desk Pet Bot, Ed Elric, Winry Rockbell


The Key Of The Internet Saga

The Secret Wi-Fi Tower Saga

The Smash Texts Saga
